
How was your Halloween?
You know.

I have to be honest.
I really do like Halloween.

By the time it FINALLY gets here.
I'm a little ready for it to be over.
But I must say.

We had so much fun with costumes this year.
Holy cow, look at my sick black roots.
I've never had black roots in my whole life.
And yes, I have a nose ring.
And Gav has a lip ring.
And Spencer has lots of make-up.
I sorta feel like we should send this picture into Awkward Family Photos.
How funny is it that Reese wanted NOTHING to do with our look.
He said goth was gross.
He's right.
And as much as I wanted us to match
because we do EVERY YEAR.
I couldn't make my five year old dress in all black.
He was the cutest cowboy around.
Which kinda makes me laugh because
he went home early.
And threw up.
Gavin, on the other hand.

He really scared me with his costume.

My biggest nightmare, scary.
I never, ever, ever, ever want to see him like that again.
In fact.

I couldn't wait until we got home and he washed all that gunk off.
And then I spent the rest of the night kissing his sweet 8 year old face.

All night.

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