

I'm going to tell you something about me that you may not know.

A Jordan-ism, if you will.

You ready?

Every morning when I wake up
I have a song in my head.

Every day it's different.
But it's always there, nonetheless.

I thought I was totally weird and crazy.
Until I found out that my dad does it too.
Must run in the genes.

Today's song was this:

So, of course, it's been a great day.


Dan Christensen said...

shouldn't everyone wake up with a song in their head??....btw I <3 regina :)

Ingelheim Five said...

Good one!

Karen said...

You're such a friek. And by the way, I think we need to play ninja very soon for young women's. It looks right up my ally.

Anonymous said...

Nope. I do it too. And sometimes it's even a theme song from a show or something way stupid. This is a good one, though!


Anonymous said...

Nope. I do it too. And sometimes it's even a theme song from a show or something way stupid. This is a good one, though!


Kiffon said...

I do the same thing! Good song. Love Regina Spektor.

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

I knew you were amazing!