
Last night Spence challenged me to a Rock Off.

Four songs.
I picked two.
He picked two.
Best percentage wins.

This is how the night unfolded:

Round 1: Shiver: Coldplay.
Spencer: 1
Jordan: 0

Round 2: La Bamba: Los Lonely Boys.
Spencer: 2
Jordan: 1

Round 3: Eye of the Tiger: Survivor.
Spencer: 2
Jordan: 2

Round 4: The Middle: Jimmy Eat World.
Jordan: 3

Sweet Victory.

Even if he played one [or two] levels higher . . .


Karen said...

Look at that sassy picture! I can't believe Spencer dared go up against that sexy lady!

Shay said...

when you guys come down its so freaking on! i rock anyone i know...even marcus half the time.

Kayleen said...

We're rockers ourselves. Maybe we should jam sometime. It would be just like the Ricks College days. . .except we wouldn't have to play Greensleeves. OH, I'm such a nerd.