
Things I learned this weekend:

*My kids really can stay up until 11:00.
I mean.
That's FOUR hours past bed time, people!
They were pretty happy.

*It may be time to introduce "superheros" to Gav.
Quick story:
We had the neighborhood kids over to play.
My window was open
and I overheard the following conversation:

Boy: Let's be superheros!
I'll be Destory Master of Doom!

Boy's sister: I'll be Princess of Fire!

Gav: I'll be Lu Lu!

I wanted to kiss him right on the mouth.

*A weekend of working = One.messy.house.
Guess what I'll be doing tomorrow . . .

*I love my life.
And my friends.
You know who you are . . .

1 comment:

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Lu Lu eh? I just about fell off my chair! That kid is Hil-ar! Oh man....