
Gold looks good on me.

On my last day of swim lessons, my favorite student gave me a gold medal. I felt like an Olympian. I still like to wear it around the house sometimes. I bet Michael Phelps wears his around his house too. Yeah, we're like two peas in a pod, me and him.


Pam Jorgensen said...

My favorite student gave me a bunch of sunflowers that were supposed to be like gold medals...they didn't make it home in the AZ heat though.

Swimming is fun

Meredith Haag said...

ummmmmm.... I didn't know you taught swim lessons! That medal does look gooooood! But, you're cute no matter what's around your neck!

Ingelheim Five said...

Funny, I always thought you were partial to silver!

You really are the Michael Phelps of swim teachers.

Kayleen said...

That's so cute! What happens if you bite into it?

Kristy Graff said...

i'm so glad you got a gold medal-you so deserve it! :)

Hailee said...

I have a funny email about Michael that you would like. What is your correct email address...I think I have the wrong one.

You look good in gold.

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

You crack me up sista!


Gold goes with everything...if I had a gold medal I'd wear it to. Do you think Michael wears all of them at the same time, or do you think he rotates through them.

Men's 4x100 relay on Monday
Butterfly on Tuesday
Freestyle on Wednesday...etc?

*sigh* I wish you taught lessons here...I'd totally sign Monica up!

Devony said...

ha ha! i really like this post. I think you and phelpsie are quite alike.