
What a pain in the bun.

One thing that really irks me is when I get home from shopping only to find my bread has been crushed by my apples. Seriously. One of my biggest pet peeves. So imagine my frustration while at Costco yesterday. We were buying 200 hamburgers and 160 hot dogs for our end of the summer ward picnic. Yes, Spencer is STILL on the Activities Committee. Naturally, we needed buns as well. A lot of them. We get to the check out, and endure many comments like, "Wow, where's the BBQ?" and "Can I come and bring 100 of my closest friends?". The "bagger", sporting her painted on eyebrows and wicked arm warmers, asked if we wanted some boxes. The rest was downhill from there.

After stacking the buns on the ketchup . . .

Me: Hey, be careful with those, we don't want them smashed.
TAB (Totally Awesome Bagger): Oh yeah, I do this all day. I'm such a pro at it.
Me: Well, I can see them getting smashed. No one likes a smashed hamburger bun.
TAB: I'm carefully putting them in these boxes. They aren't smashed.
Me: I can see them. Right there. POINTING TO THE KETCHUP BOTTLE.
TAB: Oh. Right, right.

So needless to say. Sorry if you get to the party tonight and are the lucky winner of a smashed bun. It was at the car when I realized just how much damage Lil' Miss Arm Warmer had done, and the two screaming children and overly anti-confrontational husband . . .convinced me to make do. Okay, really. They aren't THAT bad.

Oh yeah. And here is our totally awesome family picture. Even with it's picture-of-a-picture quality, my siblings still look like Rock Stars . . .


Kristy Graff said...

you make me laugh so much. i just love you! darling family photo. ours never turn-out that good.

Pam Jorgensen said...

Scott has the same pet peeve and is just as passionate about it. I am VERY careful to keep the peace in the family!

I love your family! Great people, great pic!

Gomez said...

I better not get the smashed one! hahaha
I just hate that as well.

Great family picture. we did one this summer too and I hope to get them back soon.

jksfam said...

I'll be on the lookout for a smashed one!!! Cute family picture!

Courtney said...

Cute picture! I wish I could have been there last weekend, my mom said it was a blast!

Kristen said...

I'm surprised-my costco people usually do a good job, but then again I haven't had one with painted eyebrows and arm warmers. And I haven't had to shop for the ward picnic either. Wow. You guys are going to get lots of blessings:)

Nice photo of the fam!

Brooke said...

Such a funny story! I think I'm like Spencer though--I'd have a hard time saying anything to the bagger gal. No wonder I always get smashed bread!

4HessGirls said...

That was funny. John and I had a great laugh. Man...arm warmers in this weather. Great family picture!

Meredith Haag said...

Ok.... my bun was nice and perky I promise! You throw a fun party!

Terry Family said...

ok, that totally remindedm me of my experience at Sam's Club...I bought a take-n-bake pizza, and the checker (trying to save space) puts it in my cart SIDEWAYS. Let's just say as I'm walking out of the store I notice cheese, pepperoni, sausage, the works ALL OVER THE STORE floor! SO embarrassing!

McMikeMan said...

Jordan, yup it's me, the one and only little Robyn. Although I don't feel so little at 19 weeks pregnant. We're in Wisconsin where Mike has just started med school. :) We love it here, although miss having family close. :)

McMikeMan said...

Oh and yes, your family are totally rock stars! I love you guys!

AJ said...

Baggers are the coolest! especially with accessories like arm warmers Did they have full hand coverage and a thumb hole? I love those! They really improve your bagging capabilities!


I love reading your blog! You crack me up. And your family picture rocks! It was so good to see you last week. Have any other plans in the works to visit again?

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Maaaaaaaaaaaaan I hate that! That happened to us once at Sam's and I got kinda snippy with the kid. He snipped right back and you all know how I react to that...

I turned to my kids and said, "and this is why mommy wants you to go to college".

The End!