
The lion, the witch and Gavin's wardrobe.

Gavin has been "into" dress-up lately. What makes me laugh is that when he began showing interest, I began working on some cute dress-up clothes. We have a superman/batman cape, a cowboy hat, an explorer hat, a soldier outfit. However. He doesn't like those, he'd rather "do it himself". So this is what he's come up with...

Yes, those are ballerina slippers.

Yes, those are MY boots.

And, yes, that is a zebra costume for someone that is 24 months.


the Painters said...

OK, you are so sweet Jordan! Thank you for your awesome comments and ideas and examples about hte pic. I totally didn't even think about framing it, black and white in my house but I'm totally going to cause it's such a great idea. By the way, Gavin rocks my socks off too cause he is such a little lovebug! Oh and Rheese, don't even get me started on his cuteness! thanks girl!

Megan said...

What a funny kid! We have pictures of Wes wearing princess/gypsy dress-ups at my mom's. It pretty hillarious. Funny thing is, that's the first thing he'd ask to do in the morning. Don't tell Aaron... he wasn't there.

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Someday you will use these pictures as blackmail to get him to do whatever you want him to do! I love it ~ my fav is the the slick black boots! Gavin you are a hoot!

Devony said...

that zebra costume looks a little small. and uncomfortable. Like it might be riding up a bit...