
I think I can-nery.

Last night our youth visited the cannery. Our scheduled time was from 6:30 to 9. Our kids are so awesome, they were finished by 8. We filled 700 orders from our ward and canned the difference. They are amazing. And they had fun doing it!

The (strong) boys filling the truck.

Ethan worked his "booty" off.

Michelle, Devony and Emma. I love this picture, everyone is so happy.

Jamie, Kelsy and Madi.

Lexie and Ashley. I think the sugar is getting to them.

Working hard or hardly working. Yuk, yuk.

The boys filled the orders.

Cute Cali and Kylee.
Lindsey, Sarah, Amanda and Marissa. They liked smelling the sugar as the poured it.

Corbin, Andy, Erica and Hailey. The best spaghetti canners around.

Hannah. She's the best at sealing (and posing).

Jen. She always looks like this.


Bethany said...

Great photos! Our youth are fabulous! But, they do have a rock star for a leader.

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

How Cool! The kids looked like they had a blast! What troopers!

Marlo said...

What...no pics of you?!