
Must see tv . . .

So let's talk about Thursday night season finales, shall we? First of all, The Office. Just when I thought I'd seen it all . . .Dwight as the manager, Michael selling his condo, Jan and her new "friends", Jim and Pam (?????), Ryan in corporate. I'm totally going to get an ulcer this summer thinking about all the ways this could turn out. Thanks NBC.

Next. Scrubs. What the heck were JD and Elliot doing???? That's all I have to say about that.

And, finally, ER. OH MY GOSH. Ray lost his legs!!! I'm totally in shock. I seriously almost dropped Reese when they wheeled him to his bed. And Neela getting trampled at the end. What in the world is happening here?!?! I can hardly take it anymore.

All I have to say is that the writers better have some good tricks up their sleeves because I'm looking for some great season premiers come September.

And I didn't even mention American Idol. Seriously, the pressure is going to kill me.

I need a life.


Courtney said...

Ya, you forgot Grey's Anatomy. What about the fact that they said it was going to be 2 hours and after 1 hour and 15 min. they went into the making of Lost. Stupid.

I did LOVE that Jim asked Pam to dinner....it was cute.

Ingelheim Five said...

YOU one crazy TV watching girl. I think we're going to be shocked how much we have missed over here. Our last night Office was the 2nd part of the Christmas party. Such old news...

Judson said...


The Dixon Family said...

I know you all think we just sit around all the time and watch tv . . .well, we don't. Tuesday nights (after mutual) is AI and Thursday we have the three shows you just read about. So only two nights. It's really not THAT bad.


C'mon now.