
Okay so here's the thing.
We've never really been "soccer" people.
I mean.

I played for one summer when I was, like, 6.
And Spencer I think played for two summers.
In fact.

I think they called him "Sweet Feet Spencer".
Isn't that cute???

All I'm saying is
We didn't rush to sign our kids up when they turned 3. 
It's not that we don't like the sport.
It's just.


EVERYONE plays soccer.
We've just opted for other sports.
You know.

A few months back a good friend from our ward called and asked us if we wanted to play fall soccer.

Can I just say.
It's been magical for Gav.
I'm not even kidding.
He begs to go to practice.
(twice a week!)
And can't wait to play every Saturday
(he even played last week after puking for three days straight).
Next item of business.

Kids in high school love shaved ice.
Our event was awesome.
Can't wait to do it again.
I mean.
I know it's too cold and all.

We had a blast.
And now we're trying to use up our syrup so we can pack it away for the winter.
You know what that means . . .
Shaved ice party every night!
Want one? 

Come on over.
You can pretty much bet we're having one (or two! or three!) after about 8:30 every night.
You know.

That's when they kids are in bed.
And finally.
I got a job.

Which is really funny.
I wasn't even looking for one.
But the opportunity fell into my lap.
And it was so golden.
I had to take it.
I'm teaching at a little swim school up the road.
Check it out here.
It's my dream job.

Perfect hours.
Doing what I love.
I work with amazing people.
And yes.

As a matter of fact.
I am about 10 years older than the oldest person there.
So what.

1 comment:

Shay said...

i'm going to see if i can find my team picture from my taylor ranch trapper days and scan it to you.

also, i'm still waiting for you to bring your snow cone machine down here...