
Did you know that Spencer's parents grew up in Rexburg, Idaho?
That's right.
Fell in love.
You know the rest.

Spencer spent every summer visiting Rexburg.
And eating shaved ice.
This is no ordinary snow cone.
We're talking premium shaved ice.
He's determined to open one here.
So determined, in fact.
He bought an ice shaver.
This ain't no snoopy shaver.
This thing weighs like 80 lbs.
And only takes blocks of ice.
But let me just tell you.
The ice is simply AMAZING.
Wanna try one?

Do you live by us?
Why don't you come over on Labor Day.
That's Monday, September 3rd.
Between noon and 3.

And try one out.
It'll only cost you $1.
Turns out that the syrups, cups, spoons, and napkins are a little pricey.
Bring a friend.
Bring a date.
Bring your fam.
We'll serve you up and send you on your way. 

Stay and chat.
We're pretty fun to talk to.
Either way.
Just come.

1 comment:

Shay said...

dude, how'd this go? maybe if it wasn't so successful you could come down here and do it...i've got at least $30 i could spend on at least 1 of each flavor.