
Well kids.

It's official.

Gavin is the newest member of our church.
(Well, maybe not anymore.  But he was.  Last Saturday.)


The program went off flawlessly.
(Except for that one part when I totally lost it while singing.)

So embarrassing.

And, naturally, because it was Cinco de Mayo
and because I grew up in New Mexico for crying out loud,
we had a FIESTA.

Complete with pinata.


And sombreros.

And mustaches.

Because really.

What's a Mexican fiesta without mustaches?


Isn't it funny how I post pictures of Andrew like he's my own kid?
So funny.

What a good day.



Ingelheim Five said...

What a wonderful day that was! Fun time with the fam. So good to see all the Dixons and meet your friends. We loved every minute.

And, may I say, Gav looks WAY grown up!

Karen said...

Love that last picture. Made me tear up!

It was a beautiful day.

Courtney said...

I love you guys...and your kids are so great. Congrats Gavin...fun to be 8!