
Is it just me?

Or is everyone FREAKING out about the World Cup this year?

Personally, I'm not a huge fan of the sport. It's kinda boring to watch--especially on TV. I mean, really? Can't we get closer? I feel like I can hardly see what's going on because the camera is so far away.

Okay I'm done.

I did, however, watch this video.

And it sorta changed my life.

I mean.

Let me explain.

My kids watched it with me . . .
And there's something about watching people do what they do best . . .
I can't really explain how it makes me feel.

It's the feeling I get when I watch the olympics.

Or Remember the Titans.

It's sorta how I feel when I watch my Spence play volleyball.


And watching these athletes play the game they've worked so hard for . . .


It's pretty amazing.

And I sorta get a lump in my throat when my kids walk around the house singing

"When I get older, I will be stronger!"

It get's ya here.
It gets ya right here.



Alicia said...

I agree, it is so much more fun to play soccer than watch it. At least it's a shorter game than American football, only with less scoring.

Lori said...

I totally got teary-eyed. Thanks Jordan! (I love stuff like this too.)

dersley said...

That vidio is our new favorite around here. As in we have had a deance party every night this week listening to it over and over and over at our house. Sounds like you have been doing something similar.

And don't ever use the word "boring" and "soccer" in the same sentence around my husband. I've tried it and it didn't go so well...

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Can't really see through the tears in my eyes...really loved that Jordon!!!

Logan said...

I on the other hand, LOVE watching it. It's like Christmas is late June. Ha ha.

If only USA wasn't out. . .