

Gather 'round folks.

Story time.

Remember Gav's best buddy Sam?

If you don't, here's a refresher:

Click here. And here. And here.

Let's start at the beginning.

Gavin would come home from school every day and tell me all about what he did at recess.

With Sam.

He told me about eating lunch in the cafeteria.

With Sam.

He even talked about how lucky the kids were that got to ride the bus.
Especially Sam.

So, naturally, when Christmas break came, I asked Sam for his phone number.

Because really.

You're not besties until you've had a play date, right?

So (feeling a tad stalker-ish) I called.

And left a message.

The whole Christmas break came and went and no call from Sam.

And before I knew it.
School was back in session.

Fast forward three months.

Spring Break.

And you can imagine the stories coming home about Sam.

Do I dare try to call again?

Maybe they lost our number.
Maybe they never got the message.
Maybe they were out of town.

So I called again.

This time.
There was an answer.

"I just want to let you know,"
Lisa said,
"I got your message at Christmas time but was in the middle of my chemotherapy treatments. I'm so sorry I didn't call."

Say what?
It's true.

Sam's mom is a cancer survivor.

And, yes, we had Sam over.
So now they were best, best friends.

Fast forward.

Last Wednesday.
Sam went home from school with a tummy ache.

And hasn't been back since.

Turns out.

He's getting his own adventure with cancer.

At five.

The boys and I headed to the hospital this week to see our best friend Sam.


What a kid.

And what a fun reunion.

Gavin can't wait until we go again.

And I can't either.

I love Lisa.

She's a rock.
She's an eternal optimist.
She's amazing.


Have a few extra minutes?

Say a little prayer for our buddy Sam.

He sure could use it right now.

Although, I have a feeling.
It'll take a lot to get this kid down.

**Thanks, Lisa, for letting me share.**


jksfam said...

WOW! Sounds like they are a tough (in a VERY good way) family! I hope Sam's treatments go well and his mom continues to improve as well.

Ingelheim Five said...

We're adding Sam to all of our prayers. Loved this blog Jordy.

Robyn said...

Thank you for sharing this. Lots of prayers going out for Sam and all those who love him.

Kristin said...

We will definitely be praying for him. Thanks for the perspective this brought to my day, Jordan.

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Wow! I am covered in chills! Sam, the Mortensen's are here for ya! We have 7 people in our family...that is alot of prayers headed your way kiddo!