We've had some minor issues lately.
We've reached that age.
The age where calling someone a stinky bum is hilarious.
Like 300 times a day.
I hate potty language.
Really hate.
We've reached the age where soap is the consequence.
And no bar soap.
We're liquid soap people.
It just takes a tiny little squirt
smeared on his lips.
Lesson learned.
For that moment, anyway.
The best part is.
We did it once.
It was miserable.
For him.
And us.
And now every other time.
We just pretend to have soap on our fingers.
But the result is the same . . .
No really.
He thinks he has soap on his lips.
Spencer thought of it.
And did you catch this story?
You guys are awesome parents! You share the greatest things that I'm SURE we'll implement in our family too. Thanks!
You guys...this is leg slappin, high fivin funny! Keep up the good work!
I really want to come play in the snow. I promise i won't use potty words.
You'll notice that I'm posting this on the wrong update. That's cause you really ought to warn people when you're going to post pictures of GIGANTIC spiders. Some of us hyperventilate and cry.
That said, you're amazing, and I couldn't read the whole post cause I saw the crazy 8-eyed, 8-legged hairy creature. I would have run away and made Will come home to take care of it.
You only think I'm kidding!
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