
Friday Night.

NO lessons.
NO meetings.
NO work.

What on earth shall we do?

Pop some corn.
Enjoy a cold beverage.
And watch the best movie ever.
Rent it.

It's when I fell in love with Christian Bale.
And, of course, during Newsies.

But I will warn you:

Grab a tissue.

Especially for the very last scene.
In the orphanage.
I've seen this movie probably 100 times.
And still cry.

What a great {much needed} evening . . .

Picture here.


Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Note taken!

Karen said...

I LOVE Christian Bale. So much it hurts and I haven't even heard of this movie. I'm so excited to pick this baby up. Whoop!

Meredith Haag said...

LOVE that movie! And ya know what's even better than this movie???? Listening to the sound track! It's one of my ab-so-lute favorites!!!

Courtney said...

I have loved this movie since I was little...I kinda wish I was there with you on Friday night. But it wasn't one of those nights for us. When those lounge weekends come we welcome them with open arms.