
Dear American Idol Contestants:

I, a faithful fan, would like to say,
if you do this:
or this:
I most likely will not be voting for you.

Unless you're way awesome.
Then I still will.
But know that I'm mostly annoyed.

Keep up the good work.



Anonymous said...

How is it you read my mind from so far away! haha perfect post!

M said...

Your posts always make me smile. This one still has me lauging out loud. Thanks!

Courtney said...

Seriously. You just posted 100% of what I think every week. It drives me bonkers!

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Amen Jordon...Amen.

alli coleman said...

oh yes, I completely agree ... nice post, jordan. nice post

Ingelheim Five said...

See, I told you! So cute. Missing you...xo

Alysha Smith said...

Oh my gosh, that drives me CRAZY too!

Dransfield Diaries said...

Thank you Jordan. I agree, enough already!

Scrap Happy said...

Hee hee... so true. BTW, who taught Scott how to hold up his fingers too?? Even the guy who can't SEE does it!

shhluke said...

totally agree!

Cheryl J. said...

I think you missed your calling in life as an actress :-) Your pictures are hilarious; your comments about American Idol contestants...right on!!! Love you Jordan!

Ashley Nelson said...

i hate this as well it is annoying and it bugs me well i will post about europe soon having a blast leave tomorrow!!! bye
