

It's true.

This guy had his birthday yesterday.

We opened presents.
He's a pro, by the way.
All that practice at Christmas has sure paid off.

We ate cake.
And fussed about our hands being dirty.
That's my boy!

We said A LOT of words.
I don't know what it is . . .
My kids refuse to talk before two.
Then, magically, it happens.
Word vomit.

I think he was saying
"Look pa-paw"

We closed our eyes for our "birthday surprise".
What a trooper.

And we LOVE our new bike.
And yes, folks, he's TWO
not FIVE as the pictures make it seem. . .


jksfam said...

Happy Birthday to Reese! I knew it was yesterday, but I forgot about you putting it in the blog because I was so excited about Karen. Didn't mean to slight Reese! I hope he had a great day!

Kate said...

Happy Birthday Reese!

Karen said...

I cannot believe he's two. I refuse to believe it. We are still waiting for this "word vomit" to happen for Eli. Happy Birthday to Reese!!

alli and scott said...

oh, such the little sweetheart! I guess that means my little bubba isn't far behind - crazy. anyway, nice work on enrichment last night~it was awesome. you are too clever.

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Gosh he is cute! I love the pic on the bike...you can just see the wheels turning in that cute little head of his! "when it gets warm outside...I am taken a road trip on this puppy!"