

Guess what I had for breakfast this morning.


But don't worry.
I had a glass of milk too.
So it was healthy.

Thanks Mom.
You raised me well.


Ingelheim Five said...

Just one?

Megan said...

Mmmmm... I'm stuck on those Dove minitures right now. The caramel ones.

Kristen said...

Excuse my ignorance...what is it?

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

A little piece of heaven or what? I used to pour milk over chocolate cake for breakfast before seminary! Oh the days of eating ANYTHING! Where did they go?

John said...

Okay, the best breakfast ever! We always ate pie and ice cream. Aren't moms great! I wonder what I'll give my kids for breakfast... skittles? jill

The Dixon Family said...

Kristen: Sees.

Please tell me you know what that is.

Otherwise we need to make a little trip in the next few days . . .

Anonymous said...

Milk does a body good! :)

alli and scott said...

ok, that seems too small for breakfast. It's oughta be the biggest meal of the day, you know. Next time add a caramel nutty one and maybe another fudge-filled or two. Let's be sensible here ...