
Good Morning!
A new week.

***Monday Meet n' Greet***

Mr. Wyndham Kemsley
I love this picture.
He's really much happier than this.
I think he's going for "model".

*Youngest of the Kemsley family.
And plays the "baby" role well.
Not that he's a baby
. . .er . . .
. . .I mean . . .
He's okay with the fact that he's the youngest.

*Drummer rock star.
Currently plays in a garage band.
And look, they're in the garage . . .
Ba da ching!

*Sweet, caring, sensitive.
And he's only 14.
I love him.
*Can do this funky thing with his eye.
All of us Kemsley's can do it.
But I think he does it best.

*Doesn't have very good luck with bunk beds.
Broke both arms.
And cracked his skull.

Bless his little heart.

*Things he loves include:
His DS
or his Nintendo 64 . .
His mom's chocolate chip cookies
but really, who doesn't?
His sister, Logan.
They are, like, BFF
And have been for as long as I can remember.

*Is happy to be an uncle.
And, trust me, my boys love to play with him.
Still young enough to play, but old enough to be idolized.

*Such a good sport.
My sisters and I sure had fun with him.
Most of the time, he looked like this:
*Favorite color: Orange.

1 comment:

Ingelheim Five said...

Oh Jordan, I love you. I was fully expecting that picture of me in a dress to be included in this.
