
Dear guy at the tennis courts,

Thank you so much for throwing Gav your ball last weekend.
It has made him surprisingly happy.
It's his new best friend.
He is so grateful.

And I am too.
It's provided hours of entertainment to our family.
I'm just saying.

Gavin's mom.


rick and cheryl said...

I love it. The kindness of strangers at it's best.

Anonymous said...

It's his friend? Like Wilson on "Castaway"? Does he call it Penn?? This is a fun story anyway, great to be a kid!

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

I like the name Penn! Ya know...there is just something about FREE stuff! Makes ya happy inside.

Devony said...

I love it all. Gav kills me. Also, um, you've posted 24 times since I last checked your blog. Can we talk about how behind I am? Yeah.