
"Seven Days of Spencer"
Day Three.

Hey Spence,
I bet you often wonder
about the memories
your friends hold dear to their hearts.
I do too.

So I asked them.

Here's what they said:
Don said:

During Labor Day
our Junior year in High School
we went to Provo so that Jeff
(Spencer's brother)
could see Kim
(his then girlfriend/now wife).
Naturally Jeff took the car the whole time
and Spencer and I had nothing to do.
So we hung out in the Day's Inn pool for most of the day.

During one of our frequent trips to the pool
a group of about 10 BYU freshman...
mostly female
snuck into the pool from the dorms.
While I was hanging out in the hot tub with about 8 BYU coeds,
Spencer was trying to swim the length of the pool underwater.
In one of his attempts
he managed to inhale a breath full of pool water and nearly drowned.
Naturally everyone looked over at him as if something was wrong
of course there was
but it's not very often that someone drowns in a four foot deep pool.
Of course I had to save face in front of the ladies
so I only laughed.
I believe this was one of his more embarrassing moments.
Alan said:

2nd / 3rd Grade.
Spencer had this crazy leg-brace thing and yet he could still outrun me.
Also, Tunnel tag.

Middle School.
Playing on the Internet
(before browsers could display images—lynx, gopher, etc.)
Playing the stock market and chatting on Bulletin Boards.

Middle School / High School.
Playing on the Ward volleyball team and taking the Stake championship.
Multiple times.

Freshman Year.
Monty Python, Deep Thoughts, and being the teacher's pets in Mr. Kelly's class.
We read the screen-play to "Life of Brian"
because our parents wouldn't let us watch it.
We also quoted the likes of Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, way too much.

Sophomore Year.
Avoiding girls at our first Stake dance.

Junior Year.
Making KFC or Doughnut Factory runs in that old dusty blue Tercel.
Listening to Big Head Todd, Green Day, and Blues Traveler.

Senior Year.
Ditching school to buy fireworks in Wyoming.

Starr said:
The expandable toy/ball we had in our living room at Ricks
and he was like the boy in a bubble, and did all these hilarious things with it.
One of my favorite memories too was going on that trip
to jump off a bridge and driving in his car and listening to good music.

Dan said:
I think there are too many moments
and I'm not sure I can even put some of them in words.
Just silly times ya know?
But for sure my favorites time with Spencer
were easily when he was able to squeeze in a
"Tommy Boy"
"Get ready to live!"
"I've seen it a hundred times"
....they make me laugh to this day!

Stay tuned for one of my favorite memories . . .



You're so cute Jordan! I love how much you love your hubs. It's infectious.

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Spencer...i bet Jordon would give you swimming lessons. Fun hearing aboutcha!

jksfam said...

Jordan, you are setting the bar WAY too high!!! Great idea, though! Fun to learn more about Spencer!

Cheryl J. said...

Wow! Spencer is so cool! I wish I knew him better!

Brooke said...

I don't think I tell you often enough how much I love reading your blog. When we get back to CO, we REALLY get to get together! I want to meet this Spencer guy and see if he's all he's cracked up to be. :)