
Happy Birthday, Mr. King.

And now onto more important business . . .

***Monday Meet 'n Greet***

Miss Kayleen Theobald
*Native of Idaho. Resident of Arizona.
So you can imagine her excitement about the Cardinals . . .
Or something.

*Wife to Shane.
In fact.
Here's their wedding announcement.
Betcha didn't know I still had that, did you Kayleen . . .

*Mother to Tyler, Paige and Morgan.
I'm not sure I've ever seen cuter kids.
No joke.
*Lover of photography.
And it quite good at it.
Don't believe me?

Go here.

*Comes from a long line of girls.
How fun to have so many sisters.

*Married to an optometrist.
Dr. Theobald has a nice ring to it . . .

*Super talented.
Is a lover of "homemade" Halloween costumes.
Just like yours truly.
Hers are way better.
Look at that tiny mermaid.
Are you kidding me???

*Things that make her smile:
Arizona sunsets.
Her calling.
(not everyone is cut out to be the primary music leader)
Ricks College.
Ah, the memories.

*Loves a good book.
And has a hard time putting them down . . .

*Favorite color: Green.


Kayleen said...

Jordan, you are amazing! I can't believe you still have that wedding announcement! I sure wish you were around to go bowling with today! I really want to go bowling.

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

She seems like an amazing person Jordon. Kinda like you...I think I would like to be her friend. Just a thought.