
We decided to get away this weekend.
Okay not really . . .
But it sorta feels like it . . .

We're playing house.
I'm acting as the mother of five children.
Spencer's filling the roll as the breadwinner that comes home only to play Rock Band and fly model airplanes.
Gavin's part is that of the fourth child.
Not the eldest, as he now knows.
And he gets two older brothers (one that plays with him from the moment he gets home from school until bed time.)
He's loving it.
And so am I.
I've promised them a sleep over party tonight.
I wonder if either of them will get any sleep.
Reeser is playing the roll of . . .well . . .the baby.
How boring.
The baby, however, with a house full of new toys.

I have learned a few things this weekend:
Baths at someone else's house is soooooo fun.
Lab's do not give good high fives.
Reese is allergic to dogs.

Red eyes and welts = one sad boy.


Karen said...

Oh. My word. Poor Reese! Good to know, though, right?! I don't know where you are, but we're next. Looks like fun.

Bethany said...

Not only is he about to go into anaphyllactic shock and stop breathing due to his allergy, but is he chewing on the safety plug for an outlet? Poor Kiddo.
You may need to destroy that photo before Child Services sees your blog. :)
J/K We've been there.

Shay said...

thats crazy. do you know if its the same for cats cuz i'd be heartbroken if he couldn't hang around a cat that would actually like him.

ps. got my camera today!!!

Meredith Haag said...

Poor Reese! But hopefully he had fun!

natalie said...

aw poor Reese, but besides that it sounds like fun.