
Today was the Primary Program.
You know that one kid
(usually a sunbeam)
that sings their little heart out
and has such a determined look on their face to get every word right
and is really just happy to be there
surrounded by his best buddies?
Enter Gavin:

This kid made me so proud today.
And made me come as close as I've ever gotten to wetting my pants in Sacrament Meeting.
Spencer almost had to excuse himself.
He sang and sang and sang.
And gave me the dopest "thumbs up" at the very end.
I sure love this kid.

*So maaaaaaybe the promise of "the best Family Home Evening ever" maaaaay had something to do with his stellar performance . . .
*click on that in case you're not sure what I'm talking about*


Shay said...

haha. i clicked on the family home evening link thinking it said something about what the best family home evening ever would be...not what family home evening is. i'm a dork.

rick and cheryl said...

He did such a great job! I was smiling and laughing pretty hard also. He's such a good kid.

4HessGirls said...

He did a great job. I sat in the cultural hall way in the back and I could hear him. I love the primary program, it is the best!

Courtney said...

Shay...I did the same thing...clicking and thinking, "how come I don't know about this Best FHE Ever?!"

I would have loved to be there...I love the sing your heart out kids!

The Dixon Family said...

Ha ha. Sorry guys.

However . . .I do need some ideas for the Best FHE ever . . .


Janette Porter said...

I love the primary program. I wish I could have been there to see him sing. We had one little sunbeam marching back and forth across the front as we sang Called to Serve.