

Yesterday our friends had their Annual Halloween Party.
Remember last year?
(Click on that in case you forgot)
In Spencer's words:
"Wow, they sure went all out for that party, didn't they?"
Oh yes.
They did.
And we had the time of our lives . . .
Thanks guys.

Following the spooky theme,
we made ghosts
And Vampire eyes:This is my favorite picture of the night.
And Gav's favorite game, for sure.
He could hardly eat he was laughing so hard.
I think donut came out his nose.
Best costumes of the night.
John McCain and Sarah Palin.
And no, it wasn't planned.
And no, they aren't "together".
And no, I have never laughed harder.

And you better believe I won the adult donut eating contest.
Don't mess.
Or you will go down.
Costume teaser #2:
Yeah, maybe I'll reveal before Halloween . . .
Let me think about it.


Kristy Graff said...

you only won the doughnut game because you cheated! we teil love you though!

Jill said...

this is a fun time of year! It at least looks like you guys are having tons of fun!

jksfam said...

I know, I know! But I won't tell! It is quite cute! And the whole family...

Kristy Graff said...

did cameron really say that? i guess i didn't hear him. i always thought you had to be the first one to get it off the string and then eat the whole thing to win. my bad.

Kristy Graff said...

i'm totally over it-i promise! and no-i sooo don't want the gift card!!!


Sooo, is it a police car made by hand?

natalie said...

props to you for winning the doughnut contest. It's all about the angle you eat it at.

That is funny abt the McCain Palin costume.

My friend went as Hilary Clinton, and at the ward party there was a Barack and a McCain so they all took a picture together. (the Barack guy was white so he painted his face black... and put on big fake ears)