
Hello all.
Hope you had a most excellent weekend.
I did.
***Monday Meet 'n Greet***
Here she is . . .
Miss Bethany Fabulous.
And no . . .that's not her given birth name.
I just think she's fabulous.
*Mother of two.
A fun mother at that . . .her days are filled with hockey, swimming, and baseball.
*Married to a cop.
Awesome, right?
*Has deep roots in Utah
And if I were you, I wouldn't ever say anything bad about that place.
Trust me.
*Comes from a family of seven (that's 7) children. . .and plays the roll of a "middle child"
All married in the temple I might add.
You can click on "temple" if you're not sure what I'm talking about.
*Lover of anything outdoors.
This includes but is not limited to: hiking, camping, hiking, fishing, hiking, climbing 14,000 foot mountains all over Colorado.
No, I'm not kidding.
She's amazing.
*Works for an oral surgeon.
But is not an actual surgeon herself, which has been a topic of confusion in the past.
*Has the best hair I've ever seen.
*Is the most loyal person I know.
And I know a lot of people . . .
Favorite color(s): Green and pink (but only if they are together).


jksfam said...

Bethany is Fabulous!!! Thanks for sharing her with others!

Oh, your cookies were pretty fabulous, too! I was sad that I almost missed one! I have to get what I can for staying caught up, though (even if that does include a few days with extra chapters to make up for those with 1 or (ahem) none...).

Meredith Haag said...

I'm so glad to meet her! I wonder if I ever have before or just walked past her like I do so many other nameless faces every sunday.
you're awesome for doing the meet' greet!

Bethany said...

You are a funny woman.
Notice in the photo you STOLE, I am wearing the afore mentioned pink and green together. And I am not sure you mentioned that I like hiking. What's up with that?

What goes around, comes around.

Karen said...

Oh she is so FAB! Love her.

Brooke said...

I don't know her, but she does have great hair! :)

And...I'm loving your new crazy fonts and text sizes. It's so fun to read your posts. Does it take forever to change it all around? Cuz...mine is so boring with just plain text.

natalie said...

I would like to second the Bethany Fabulous endorsement!!