
Tagger McTaggerson.

Got tagged. Must share 10 things that people may not know about me. Here goes.

1. I have a heart shaped scar on my left elbow from my first date with Spencer (after the mission). That's how I knew it was love . . .

2. I was on the cover of the "Friend" when I was nine years old.

3. I can't wear socks to bed. Makes me want to puke.

4. I've never "gone" into labor. We have to kick those babies out!

5. I have a retainer across six teeth on the bottom that will probably be there forever.

6. I am a lotion FREAK. Dry skin gives me the heebie jeebies.

7. I hate when people touch my feet, but I have a shoe fetish.

8. I love being tan. The skin cancer scare doesn't scare me. Even though it should.

9. If I ever have a little girl, I already know what her name would be. But I'm scared to death to have a little girl.

10. My biggest fear is losing someone that is close to me.

Okay. There you go. I tag Courtney, Karen and Jayna.


Nadia said...

You would name your daughter Nadia, huh? :) Nadia Dixon. That sounds great. :)

jksfam said...

I want to see #2!

Kristen said...

I second that-we're going to have to see a post of the Friend cover!

The Dixon Family said...

Nad--You're right!

Kristy/Kristen--Sorry. That is deep in the "things I'll never show people" vault . . .

Hailee said...

We have #3, #5, & #10 in common.

We should go in a hot-air-balloon ride together. They look fun in your picture background.

jksfam said...

I'll show you mine if you show me yours... (No friend cover for me, although my Grandma was on the Ensign once. James had a picture in the Our Creative Friends printed.) I do have plenty of pictures that aren't usually seen, though...

Courtney said...

I totally remember when you were on the Friend! My mom showed me and I remember being super jealous!

Pam Jorgensen said...

Ditto on #3,6,8,and 10...especially the lotion thing. I should have stock in Curel

Cheryl J. said...

The funniest thing happened at church last week when Jordan's little brother Wyn was sitting in either Sunday School or Teacher's Quorum Class...

Our ward was getting rid of old church magazines and told the kids they could take any that they wanted. One of the boys in Wyn's class was looking through the piles of magazines and happened upon the issue with Jordan on the back cover and asked..."Hey Wyn! Isn't this your sister?" Wyn had never seen that issue of "The Friend"...He wasn't even born before it was published. Too funny!

Ingelheim Five said...

The priceless line was when Wyn said, "Hey Mom, did you know that Jordan was on this?"

Yeah, we have a bit of a generation gap in our fam!