
Oh how I love thee, 600 grams of fat.

Guess what we got for dessert tonight/breakfast tomorrow . . .

And how could we forget the festive "sprinkler" for Gavin . . .


Kristy Graff said...

mmmm! those look so yummy! that's so funny because kennedi calls them "sprinklers" too! :)

Kayleen said...

Can I come over for breakfast?

Jamie said...

Just looking at those makes me hungry. I am not kidding my breastfeeding belly could eat that entire box! So glad you found me. I love new blogging friends!

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Well that's just great Jordon...now I am going to have to drive clear over to get us some! Geeeeez those look gooooooood! Any crumbs left?

Lori said...

That's my favorite dessert/breakfast too. That's what we actually had today - but from Provo Bakery. You'll have to try them sometime, they are delicious!

4HessGirls said...

MMMmmm, now that looks delicious. Johns favorite place.

the Painters said...

This should be a sin. Those are the creme de la creme of donuts. They just re-opened one by us and to tell you the truth, I was almost GLAD when they first closed thinking that I wouldn't be tempted again....but nooooooo, they're back....and I'm 5 lbs heavier.
Love it though!

Cameron said...

Those are actually disgusting...the smell of krispy kremes makes me nauseous

jksfam said...

Thanks for making me hungry, Jordan (not that it's hard to do)!

OK, here's my favorite Krispy Kreme story... I have high cholesterol and have to be fasting for the blood test. Well, I had my blood drawn and where did I go after that - Krispy Kreme(unfortunately the one on Mississippi is not closed - probably a good thing for me)! I'm sure that helped my numbers a lot...

The Dixon Family said...

Cameron. What a depressing life you lead.

Cameron said...

I worked at a company where my office was right next to the break room. Subcontractors bringing in krispy kremes 2-3 times a week gets really old really quickly.

These things have a distinct smell to them that lasts all day long until the boxes are thrown outside int he trash. It really is gross.