
Diagnosis: Carrot.

So. When Spencer emailed me on Friday morning asking, "What are we doing tonight?", the Emergency Room didn't make the list. Imagine my surprise (and disappointment) when we ended up there.

Here's the story:

Went to the park on Friday afternoon, just as we've done about a million times. Had pb&j. The boys favorites. Drank Capri-suns. Loved it. Gavin was on carrot number four (he had to eat four since he's four years old . . .) and Reese decided he wanted to try one. Since the four teeth that have been torturing him for the last three months were finally in, I thought it would be nice for him to try it out. He took a small bite, and spit it out. That's not unusual. He likes the 'in-and-out' method. Suddenly Emergency! Gavin had to go potty. He loves to wait until "it's coming out" before telling me. There's no stopping for that kid. We rush off to the bathroom, with Reese in tow. I left Reese out side and Gav and I ran in (and left the door open). I came out literally two seconds later to find Reese choking (that's right CHOKING) on his carrot. I sweep him up, and start doing back blows (after years and years in training in that stuff and I finally use it on a kid of my own . . .). I won't go into detail, but let's just say the sandwich and some of the carrot came up. He was upset, but seemed okay.

Next scene.

We go home, Reese is exhausted from the incident (and because it's nap time) and so I put him down and he sleeps for just about three hours. When he wakes up, he and Gav are running around and chasing each other. That's when I hear the horrific wheezing. "Hmm, there's something not right with that sound", says Spencer. And I immediately think, "Oh he's fine". Well, he wasn't. After calls to the nurse line and debating for half an hour, we're convinced to head to the ER. Fabulous.


After hours of waiting (POKE ME IN THE EYES WITH NEEDLES), we were told that we needed to go to the main Children's Hospital because REESE HAD ASPIRATED A CARROT. Serious? In fact, we almost had to be escorted in an ambulance. Now remember, I realized there was a problem when Reese and Gavin were CHASING each other. And now we're dealing with an obstructed air way. Shocked doesn't even begin to explain how I felt.


Gavin was safe at my sister-in laws (thanks again Angie!!). I had changed from a skirt into sweats. The contacts were out. I knew it would be a long night. That's an understatement. After telling the story about a million times, having every nurse in the hospital listen to his right lung, and a horrible IV later, we were [finally] in our room by 1:00. The night was long. The promises were broken (we'll put you down for a surgery to remove it tonight. Wait. Maybe tomorrow at 8:00. Wait. Maybe at 1:00). The energy levels were drained. And we were spent. The worst part was that Reese felt fine. Try getting a 16 month old to "settle down" while hooked to an IV machine. Not fun.

So here we are. Finally home, feeling cheated out of our weekend, but feeling so incredibly blessed that our baby is okay. Poor Spencer.

Yeah, Reese, I wanted to rip my face off too.
Finally resting. (And yes, that massive splint is the IV).
Trying, for the 100th time, to rip that thing out.
Ready for the Bronchoscopy (13 hours after the incident).
Done. And tired.
The obstruction. How nice they let us take it home.
A picture from the scope. Pretty sick.

And even though we were miserable, my sweet Spencer found a way to make us laugh.


Kristy Graff said...

oh my heck, that is so scary but i am so glad that everything is ok and that everything went well. what a tough cookie spencer is!

Kristy Graff said...

i totally called reese spencer-sorry. it's been a long day!

Cheryl J. said...

Jordan :-) I love how thorough you are on your blog! This is BETTER than a journal (pictures of carrots in the lung...Who has THAT in their journal?!).

You will be able to show your kids all these fun posts many years from now...So cool!

rick and cheryl said...

That is so scary. I am so sorry! What a weekend?! I'm glad he's better and you all survived!

Ingelheim Five said...

Oh sweetie...

That's about all I can say!

Love you~

Nadia said...

AH! I am so glad everything ended up ok. I have often thought about having to do the dreaded back blows. Good for you! Sweet Reese. What a sweetie.

Starr said...

Holy scary - I am glad he is okay.

Courtney said...

I am in shock after reading this! Crazy, but I am glad you went to the ER and it all worked out!

4HessGirls said...

Oh my goodness, I'm so glad your sweet Reese is ok now. That is so scary.

Anonymous said...

That had to have been SOME DAY!! I'm sorry you all had to go through that, and happy he is doing well now ( :

Karen said...

Wow. The craziest part is how happy Reese looks the whole time...what a good boy! Way to be on top of things super mom!

Cameron said...

So what did you do with the piece of carrot once you got home?

jksfam said...

Wow! So sorry and glad that he is okay! Great laugh, too!

Kristen said...

Who knew all the trouble a little chunk of carrot could cause? I'm so sorry that you had to go through that, but so glad that everything's okay now.

Megan said...

Wow, scary! I was reading your post with Aaron. He was predicting what was going on with every scroll down. And he was right unfortunately. He says it happens a lot. Poor kid and POOR YOU! So scary. I was at the park once and this little kid was choking on a leaf. It was totally stuck in his throat and no one could get it out! Glad it's all over. Stick to the carrot puree for a while :)

Cameron and Kelly said...

That is so scary. I'm glad he is okay. Going downstairs to pitch all the carrots in our house :)

Kristin said...

Yikes...we both have crazy scary memories of that place! And here I figured you were off on some fun adventure this weekend. Soooo glad he's okay!

Brooke said...

AAAAAA! How scary! I hope I would have had the same sense as you to look into it and not just ignore it. I'm so glad he's okay!

Colorado Oldroyds said...

Wow, Reese is one tough cookie. I have a fear of choking. I still quarter Sophie's grapes and she has her molars. Sorry you had such a bummer weekend.

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

No phone or internet for a few days and I miss EVERYTHING! Holy Cow Jordon! My eyes are as big as quarters right now!

How is he today?

AJ said...

Way to go using your Heimlich skills! Isn't the whole hospital experience a huge disappointment in scheduling... the waiting. Surgery put off when your child has already met the required hours of no solids. "OOPS sorry I know he's starving but we're not doing the surgery until tonight at midnight" "or sometime tomorrow".


W-O-W!!! Glad Reese is doing ok now!