
Daddy Warbucks.

This maybe one of the funniest things that has happened in our home thus far. My sweet little four year old truly believed he had money growing in his pants. In fact, he requested to wear his "money pants" today and has come to me countless times today saying, "Mom, I wonder if there's any money in my pockets!!!". Imagine the disappointment when there wasn't.

*I especially like the bulging vein in his neck.*


AJ said...

Hilarious! Oh what amuses a child!

Ingelheim Five said...

Hard to tell who's getting a bigger kick out of this. Spencer's having a dang good time. And little Reese with a musical attachment to his binky. It's a 3 ring circus at your house!

Too funny.

Pam Jorgensen said...

That is classic! I love his laugh!!

Kristy Graff said...

kids are the greatest! i need some of those pants for sure!

Kayleen said...

HILARIOUS! I love messing with their heads. May be unethical, but it's the best form of entertainment around. By the way, Shane did wear glasses, but he now wears contacts. Since he's an optometrist he figured he better switch it up a little.

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Okay so my eyes are totally watering here!!!! That is a classic! We are all here laughing our heads off and Luke looks right at me and says, "Gav has lots of money"!

I love 4 year olds...they make life soooo worth it!

ckcclan said...

Its the best to see your kids laughing that hard. I love it!

Col said...

That was hilarious.

Courtney said...

Nathan and I are both sitting here dying laughing at that! That is super funny!

jksfam said...

I want some money pants, too!

Hailee said...

Spencer is such a fun dad!

P.S. I liked it when you whispered "he snuck a coin in his pocket."