
Welcome Monday.

Busy week. Taught RS. Deep cleaned. Enrichment. Garage Sale. Sunburned my WHOLE family. And now I have two sick kids. Next week. I.am.doing.nothing.

And oh yeah. Bought Gav these awesome pants. He thinks he's a soldier now. No joke. He demanded I take his picture because, really, what's cooler than a soldier?


Shay said...

some day soon gav and i are going to take twinner pictures together. he's wearing one of my exact outifts. all the way down to the doubled up white t shirt.

Cameron said...

give that soldier a haircut...

Ingelheim Five said...

What do you mean? It's high and tight!

Gavin is a pretty cool soldier...

Kristy Graff said...

love it! sounds like you had a pretty hectic week. you better chill and take it easy for a few days.
p.s. thanks for saving my cake kit for me! i don't know what i would do without you!

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Attention Captain Gavin! We think your pretty cool!


I agree...nothing cooler than a soldier, but I'm not biased or anything! ;)

I love your blog!! Now I think I have you everywhere important...although I like this site waaaay better than the others!

natalie said...

haha that´s too funny. just don´t let him get a buzz cut or anything. I miss you!!

Hailee said...

I wish you would buy me a cute outfit like that. Gavin is just too dang cute.