
Seriously? 100 things?

So I've been tagged to say 100 things about myself. Here goes.

1. I am 27.

2. I share a birthday with Ryan Phillipe.

3. I have a son that has the same name as Ryan's ex-wife (Reese).

4. I delivered Reese at 8 pounds 6 ounces.

5. I also delivered Gavin at 8 pounds 6 ounces.

6. I love listening to Gavin's view on the world.

7. I've lived in many places in the world.

8. I think Harrogate, England was my favorite.

9. I loved having my parents visit me in England.

10. I have parents that live in Albuquerque.

11. I love the balloon fiesta in October in Albuquerque.

12. I also love General Conference in October.

13. I have been to the Conference Center five times.

14. I have five siblings.

15. I am sibling number two.

16. I have two sisters.

17. I have two sisters that live in New Mexico.

18. I went to Valley High School in New Mexico.

19. I have a ten year High School reunion this summer.

20. I am teaching swim lessons this summer.

21. I cherish my swimming in the mornings.

22. I taught seminary last Tuesday morning.

23. I babysit three little girls every Tuesday.

24. I hope to someday have a little girl of my own.

25. I have my own ipod.

26. I used my ipod to teach a lesson last Sunday.

27. I think Sunday is my favorite day of the week.

28. I have Enrichment this week.

29. I will be glad when Enrichment is over.

30. I am over high gas prices.

31. I spend a $100 a month on gas for just my car.

32. I have two black cars.

33. I had a black cat when I was a kid.

34. I use to teach kids in Sunbeams.

35. I have a son in Sunbeams.

36. I have a son that will be in nursery in August.

37. I have a brother that will go on a mission in August.

38. I have a brother that will graduate from the U next summer.

39. I have a deep love for the summer.

40. I love putting a knife in peanut butter for the first time.

41. I keep a knife and an apple in my purse at all times.

42. I have an awesome purse my mom gave me.

43. I love the stroganoff recipe my mom use to make.

44. I think my best [girl] friend's cookie recipe is my favorite.

45. I have a great husband that is my best friend.

46. I love my husbands red sideburns.

47. I love the color red.

48. I do not color my hair.

49. I hate when there is hair in my sink (I just gagged thinking about it).

50. I hate having dishes in my sink.

51. I use the same dishes as when we got married.

52. I will be married for six years this month.

53. I have a niece that is six.

54. I wonder if I'll ever have a niece on my side of the family (just kidding, you guys).

55. I sleep on the right side of the bed.

56. I would love a king size bed.

57. I wear a size ten shoe.

58. I have to wear shoes at the pool AT ALL TIMES.

59. I love to wear flip flops.

60. I have about a hundred pairs of them.

61. I do my visiting teaching 100%.

62. I had to gain a testimony of visiting teaching.

63. I have a testimony of Joseph Smith.

64. I have a picture of him in my scriptures.

65. I carry my scriptures in a red case.

66. I think this is taking forever, in case you didn't notice.

67. I got a notice on my door three days ago.

68. I have a green door.

69. I threw a green party for Gavin's birthday last year (not that kind of "green").

70. I had really short hair last year.

71. I wish my hair grew faster.

72. I would like to grow vegetables.

73. I think fresh corn is my favorite vegetable.

74. I think Spencer's cologne is my favorite smell.

75. I met Spencer ten years ago.

76. I had a roommate named Starr ten years ago.

77. I also had a roommate named Shayla.

78. I have a sister named Shay.

79. I have a sister that is sixteen.

80. I was a terrible sixteen year old.

81. I had a terrible headache last night.

82. I still watched Dancing with the Stars last night.

83. I use to love to lay on the trampoline and look at the stars.

84. I think we'll get a trampoline for Christmas this year.

85. I feel like Christmas is so far away.

86. I have a friend named Dan that lives very far away.

87. I hope you'll all still be my friends after reading this.

88. I've been reading the fourth Harry Potter for a year now.

89. I never have time to read anymore.

90. I don't know why I spend my time on these silly surveys.

91. I like to spend money on my kids clothing.

92. I can't wait to get my money from the government.

93. I have a father that works for the government.

94. I think my father is my untouchable hero.

95. I am now singing, "Let me be your hero, baaaaby".

96. I have three friends about to have babies.

97. I have a party in the fall where our friends eat out of a pumpkin.

98. I love the fall.

99. I love September.

100. I have a birthday in September (See #1).

Thanks Starr. I tag Dawn, Kristy (either of you), Cheryl J., and Megan


rick and cheryl said...

I am impressed with that run. Now I see how your mind works...:)

Anonymous said...

whoa...I honestly can't believe I read the whole thing!

Ingelheim Five said...

So clever missy. It didn't seem like a whole 100.

Referencing #80,
you are a WONDERFUL 27 year old...

Ingelheim Five said...

I love that in your picture you are laying on the couch reading a magazine with a load of laundry behind you that needs to be folded. I taught you well.

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Wow...you really ARE interesting! I too have a love for flip flops - why is that?

Starr said...

Way to go! I can't believe we roommated 10 years ago!

Love the strategically placed magazine too. I thought it was REECE WHITHERSPOON laying on the couch for a minute.

Janette Porter said...

All I have to say is thank you, thank you for picking someone else to do the 100 the things! Very interesting though, I enjoyed the random tid bits of information in your life!

jksfam said...

Did you tag me originally or did I look past my name? You did a great job. We'll see what I come up with but it won't be until after tomorrow night...

Kristy Graff said...

did you seriously tag me? you brat! and i have to teach a class at your enrichment?! man, i must love you!