
September 6th, 2006


rick and cheryl said...

He is such a cutie!

Nadia said...

Oh! I love it! So cute, and so smart. What a great video.

Ingelheim Five said...

Lisp or binky induced tongue thrust...? I miss him... Was that England? GOOD TIMES!!

Megan said...

Holy cow! How old was he??? That is awesome!

The Dixon Family said...

He was 2 years and 5 months old. Isn't that funny? This was in England.

Brooke said...

Oh...I loved it! How cute is he!? One of these days I hope to see him in person. :)

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

What a Star!

Now why can't he sing like that in primary? Oh yea...the song leader is scary.

M said...

Better than anything we saw on American Idol :) Jordan- He's so cute!!!!!!!