Dang those "
Silly Faces". I wonder if we'll ever get a normal picture again.

I really needed to get some stuff done yesterday and it seemed almost impossible with my little 3 year old shadow mocking my every move. So I took matters into my own hands and built a fort. Gavin loves forts. He could/would play in there all day. Reese, however, doesn't seem to have the same appreciation. Gavin begged me to let Reese play in there with him (he's finally getting old enough to play with big brother.
Hallelujah.). I would put Reese on the floor and five minutes later I found him inching his way out of the two cushions. I laughed to myself and put him back in, thinking it was an accident. Five minutes later, same thing. So this time I put him on the opposite side of the fort. Ten minutes later this time, there he is, edging his way out. Maybe he'll be more of a "book lover" . . .
Now THAT'S old school quilt fabric, right there...
Nothing like a fort to spend your childhood days!
You can do lots of stuff with furniture! During the winter when we can't make it to the playground I take the leaf out of the middle of the table and prop one end up on the tox box to make a slide. Of course it's not as good as the playground but they have fun sending their cars down it too.
Shelley--I'm not sure what that means. Spencer's g-ma made that quilt for us for our wedding. So I guess it makes sense that it's old school???
that's the best picture of reese i've seen yet!!
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