
We're back and better than ever!

Hello one and all. We're back up and running. And I've been thinking about a few things to blog about. First of all, we sent a box home from my parents house in Germany and finally got it a few days ago. Inside were a pair of wooden shoes we picked up in Amsterdam for Gavin. HE LOVES THEM. I don't know where he got his little shoe fetish (okay, maybe I do), but he is nuts about shoes! And he just loves to walk on our wood floors while saying, "Click, clack, click, clack". It's pretty amusing. Next. While at Target today I realized why I love the holidays so much. CHERRY CORDIAL KISSES. If you haven't tried these yet, run, don't walk to the nearest market and pick up a bag. Pure bliss. Enough said. Next. And I know I sound pathetic when I talk about "The Office", but dang! Last night's episode was awesome! I'm so excited about Jim coming back to the Scranton branch! The rest of this season is going to be great, I just know it.

Okay that's all for now.


Cherie said...

BUT Jim brings that other girl with him...I love that you get so excited about seasonal candy. THAT is another mark of a true Clark decendant. Loved Gavin's portrait, by the way.

t&s said...

Um basically ate two whole bags by myself last year. I LOVE those cherry kisses.

Favorite bit on The Office last night was future Dwight sending faxes to Dwight. HILARIOUS.

Courtney said...

K. I missed it last night...and am staying in bed depressed about it today. I LOVE that Jim is coming back. Not so much about the girl...Pam could kick her butt.

LOVE the cordial kisses! I am running even as we speak to my local Target to pick up a bag.

The Dixon Family said...

Courtney--one word. I-tunes. Download last night's episode. It'll be worth the $1.99, I promise.

Courtney said...

One word. Brilliant!

Ingelheim Five said...

So cute. I can just hear Gav running around clip clopping! So glad those finally got there. All I can find here so far are peppermint kisses. Eww. We have a lot of Office catch up to do!

The Dixon Family said...

I'll send you a bag of them. TO DIE FOR.

Judson said...

and thanks for sending me that picture of gavin. it's now a permanent fixture on my dashboard. right on top of the spedometer.