
These are a few of my favorite things.

I decided to pay tribute to some things that I love (in no particular order).

--Jack Johnson music (On and On is my favorite).
--Cherry cordial kisses.
--Expectant mother parking at Target.
--Full House reruns.
--Hot chocolate chip cookies.
--The Pier One outlet store.
--Kelly Clarkson Breakaway cd.
--Primary Programs.
--The Holidays (from November 1 to January 1).
--My old school Super Nintendo.
--Sleeping past 7.
--The Star Spangled Banner (Starr, please don't comment about late nights at Ricks)
--Hugging the two most important men in my life.
--Anticipation of the next three months.

That's all for now, I think.


Ingelheim Five said...

I'm beginning to worry about your cherry cordial fetish. You better not have eaten any of those before your glucose test the other day!

Aubrey said...

I can't believe you didn't include The Office on your list.

By the way, do you read Pam's (Jenna Fisher's) myspace page? She wrote a blog about Pam & Jim that you should check out.

Carlos said...

What about puppies? Are they chopped liver now?

Shay said...

um, are we really related? out of your list of things...here are our similar ones.

--trips (only road trips where i drive by myself)
--your old school super nintendo
--sleeping past...not 7...2pm

The Dixon Family said...

We have the same list, I just have the G rated version.