
Critics Corner.

Last night, Spencer and I went to the movie "Stranger than Fiction" starring Will Ferrill, Dustin Hoffman, and Maggie Gyllenhaal. I didn't know quite what to expect from a Will Ferrill movie. We all remember Anchorman and Kicking and Screaming. Then again, he's been in some pretty funny movies as well. Zoolander, Elf, and years on Saturday Night Live. Needless to say, we didn't expect much. However, this movie was awesome! I left the theater totally happy that we spent the $30 ($30 can you believe that????) to watch. The plot was well written, the characters were well casted, and the entertainment was valid. It was clean (minus one scene where it showed many bare bums in a locker room--old, hairy, white ones at that). There was a love story but it was subtle and well developed. Hardly any language. Overall great movie. The Dixon Family gives it two thumbs way up!!!

Okay. I felt like I was writing a paper or something. In all seriousness, it was a fabulous movie and I highly recommend it.


Ingelheim Five said...

Coming here next week. We'll be there!

Courtney said...

I love Will Farrell. Can't wait to see it!

Judson said...

good. i wasn't sure if i should spend the money or not. thanks for the review, ms. ebert.

Cherie said...

We're a little slow around here and just got to "The Prestige"...heavy, but so well done..2 thumbs up from here but if you go PAY ATTENTION.

t&s said...

We saw "Stranger Than Fiction" this weekend as well - LOVED IT. Definitely worth seeing.