
Dwight Schrute.

Is anyone else totally annoyed that 'The Office' was a rerun last night??? What's up with showing reruns when it's only episode, like, four??? Grr.


Cherie said...

I tivo-ed it and was so excited to watch a new episode...although it was hilarious. Hey, here's the site:

Judson said...

i think dwight has replaced seinfeld in my life. he was temporarily replaced by gob on arrested development, but we all know what happened there.

so yeah. now dwight is my hero.

Courtney said...

I am with you Jordan! Annoyed, yet I did have to watch dwight open the gaydar one more time!

Shay said...

i've heard i'd find this show hilarious...but uh, i never watch tv...cept on wednesday nights at 8 for lost...maybe i'll have to buy the seasons of the office.

Ingelheim Five said...

Logan is going to a Halloween party tonight as Pam dressed as a cat in the season one Halloween show. We're hooked too.

Col said...

I miss Buster.

Col said...

I think we are all waiting to see some Halloween pictures.