
Good-bye, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Adieu!

Well folks. Our time here is ending. I have been so excited about going that I haven't really had time to realize how much I'm going to miss Harrogate. I would like to thank a good friend of mine for helping me come to grips with the reality of the situation. So, after much thought and consideration, I've composed a top ten list of my favorite experiences that we've had in the past seven months. Enjoy.

*Disclaimer: This may get a little emotional. You may want a tissue.

10. The Ashness Apartments. Yes, it's true that they are dumpy old apartments, but we did spend a lot of time there including Gavin's 2nd birthday. Even now, months later, I still get that homesick feeling when we drive past.

9. Our Ward, especially my visiting teachers. Okay so most of the ward thought we were inactive because we traveled almost every weekend . . . but we really did feel like members of a family every Sunday. And even though we were only here for seven months, my visiting teachers never missed an opportunity to chat.

8. The Stray. It's the most beautiful place in the springtime when all the little purple, white and yellow flowers are blooming. I loved living right across the street from it so that Gavin and I could play at the park any time we wanted. I think one of my favorite spots of all time is on The Stray is the cute little bridge that goes over the train tracks. The trains would always blow their whistle for Gavin.

7. Trips, trips and more trips. Not going somewhere every weekend is going to take some getting use to. Really. For as long as I can remember, we've had somewhere to go come Saturday morning. I'm also going to miss being so close to the ocean. And Gavin will too . . .he loves the ocean!

6. Living like we have loads of cash. Alright, not really. But we do get to drive a Mercedes and live in a million pound home. Mind you, it's the basement . . .Won't be long and we'll be back to our humble lifestyle. Not that I'm ungrateful . . .

5. The Rain. Okay, maybe not necessarily the rain, but the beautiful green grass and flowers that come as a result of it. The landscape is breathtaking and totally indescribable. There's nothing like laying in bed and hearing the rain beat on your windows. I think I'll miss the sheep too. That's just something you don't see a lot of where I'm from.

4. Yummy food. The Orchid. Milans. Betty's. The best treats. Period.

3. The Base. This one is kind of silly, but it's more of the memories that I think I'll miss. Riding the bus to the base with Gavin. Getting dinner and bowling at The Strike Zone. Grabbing lunch with Spencer at Steeplebush. Raiding the Commissary first thing on Tuesday since it's closed Monday and we're usually out of food by Saturday. Ah the memories.

2. Taking walks to Valley Gardens or town. I've yet to find a place in the States as beautiful as Valley Gardens. Simply unbelievable.

1. Our friends. We made memories and friendships here that will last a lifetime. Having playdates with Justin and Alex or hanging out with John and Connie. Having the missionaries over for dinner all the time. Meeting Stephen and his family for dinner. It's sad to think that we may not ever see some of these people again . . .

So there's my list. This is such a bittersweet time for us. We're really had a wonderful experience and will forever keep the memories. Thanks to all of those who made this time fabulous for us.

Wow, this was really sappy.


t&s said...

Cutest picture ever. J.Crew Family.

Judson said...

i'm jealous...