
Remember how I hate blood?

I seriously do.

I almost passed out once from giving blood.

{And when I say giving, I mean for blood tests. Like I'd ever give blood willingly. I know, I'm selfish.}

"I'm really bad with needles," I told the nurse.

"Oh, everybody says that," she said.


She wasn't so calm and cool when I almost fell out of the chair.

"I need some help over here!!!"

And then everything got kinda black . . .


Needless to say.

I really hate blood.

And thankfully.

My kids rarely get hurt.

But today I was introduced to something that has never happened in our house.

Operation Bloody Nose.

Not once.

But twice.

And a lot.

In fact.

I couldn't really get the last one to stop.

And I made Gavin sit down and hold it on himself because I was getting a tiiiiiny bit light headed.

My poor kids.

Let's hope they never lose a limb.

Because I may just lose my lunch.

*And in case you were wondering, Dr. Spencer says it's due to dehydration. So,
naturally, Gavin's carrying around a water bottle this afternoon . . .


alli coleman said...

oh, poor gav (and poor you). Man, we miss you guys!

Shay said...

just pinch the bridge of his nose and lean forward...ice helps too.

shay kemsley lifeguard md

rick and cheryl said...

blood is no fun. i know it's meant to keep us alive & all, that's why i prefer it on the inside of bodies, not outside. it's good to know about the dehydration, lexie has gotten some recently. now it all makes sense.

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Jess + Jordan = twins!

Let's just say when I was pregnant and the nurse drawing my blood had no idea what a pansy I was until she broke the vial of blood ON my arm! I felt something really warm looked over and the entire vial of blood was EVERYWHERE! I was a goner! Passed out/on the floor/dead to the world! When I came too, about 50 people were standing there. A real party! Blood still everywhere and I was gone again.

It is on my list of "Most embarrassing thing Jessy has done"! I feel like drinking a glass of water now!

Kayleen said...

I just donated blood Saturday. Not so bad. paige has been having bloody noses too. I guess she needs a cute water bottle to motivate her.

Robyn said...

Chris would always get nose bleeds growing up. Mike gets nose bleeds even though it's humid here. Here's a trick that helps. Have Gav put a good amount of Vaseline on his finger and then rub it all over the inside of his nose. Hope it helps.
Oh and Mike passed out while watching my blood being drawn when I was pregnant with Esther. Yeah, he's going to be a great doctor... :)