

A funny thing happened in the car tonight.

It was late.

We were driving home from Grandma's.
So you could imagine.
He was tired.
And kinda sad we had to leave
Here's how the conversation went:

Reeser: Mom? Do you have anything soft?
Me: Soft?
Reeser: Yes. Do you have anything soft?
Me: Well. I have my sweater (that I was wearing).
Reeser: Can I have it?
Me: Sure buddy.
**I then take off aforementioned sweater.**
Reeser: Thanks mom.
Nuzzles my sweater.
Falls asleep.

He just needed something soft . . .

What a kid.

Even though his new nickname is Scrappy.
He wants BOXING GLOVES for Christmas.

And he told his daddy today that we got him a bike for Christmas.
And that it's at Claire's house.

Merry Christmas, honey.

Oh yeah.
One more thing.

Happy first day of the advent!!!

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