
We're looking for a car.

And yes, I know what you're thinking . . .
"Wasn't it just ONE year ago that you were doing this?"


I know.

Don't talk to me about it.

As a result.
We are home bound.
Which, really, isn't bad at all.

We love being home.

Today we had the neighbor kids over.
After all, it's been "soooooo long since I've had a friend over".

We built a fort.
Oh yeah.
I still got it.


Ingelheim Five said...

Heck yes you've still got it! You invented it!

Mortensen Baby Farm said...

Ahhhhh the sheet and blanket fort! Seriously what could be better? I also remember being a moron and thinking I could jump in the middle of it and it would hold me. Leeeet's not talk about the injuries that came from that. I still try and block them out.