
Ever wondered about the buttons in my sidebar?
There are buttons over there?
There are.

I have this awesome friend.
I'm sure you remember her.
If not, click here and scroll down to Brandy Pfalmer.
She offers craft classes.
Click on the button and you can see when and where.
They are really fun.
Ask Gavin the next time you see him.

Visit the 'Wait4Me' Etsy shop.
This is my friend Jessica.
The bags are TO DIE FOR.
Trust me.
Gavin loves his.
It keeps him busy for hours.
No kidding.
They make excellent Christmas gifts.
And Jess will even personalize them.
How awesome is that?

One last thing.
Today's high: 75*
My toes are painted.
My flip flops are on.
Oh yes, we'll be visiting the park today.


Hailee said...

I just don't understand how you do everything you do in one day...craft classes, making Halloween costumes, cooking, cleaning,etc. I wish you would come paint my toes and take me a park. I'm jealous of your kids. They are blessed.

Audrey said...

So Jordan, we just need to talk about GAP jeans for a second - they still don't even come close to fitting me, just so you know! I had to pay real dollars @ Lucky again. How disappointing is that! By the way, you and your blog are way too cute. You make me sick!