I told my kids that today was "Free day Friday"
We had nowhere to be.
Nothing to do.
Gavin chose to stay in his pajamas (or naked).
We built a fort.
We played Candyland.
We drank hot chocolate with marshmallows.
And Reese got hurt.
A lot.
Poor Reese.
War wound #1:
Reese meet carpet.
Chin meet corner of stacked blocks.
Forehead meet corner of wall.
Eye meet Gavin's fingernail.
Ear meet chair.
Gavin found a jump rope.
So he's been pretty much working on that all day.
Want some motivation?
Click here.
One more thing.
Happy 7th day in a row of blogging.
This most likely won't happen again.
Kinda thinking it would be safer for Reese to leave the house at least once daily. JK
Don't you think kids his age should just walk around with a helmet on?
You go, blogger girl. I love reading your posts, they're fun!
Friday is our stay at home day a lot of weeks too. The kids will wake up and ask where were are going and I'll say... "NO WHERE!" And they cheer and jump around. Then they get bored and start making each other look like Reese :) The poor kid. That age is the age where they toughen up. I don't think I ever really grew out of that clumsy stage :)
I hope Reese recovers quickly!
Ouch, but what a fun day! Bet Spencer wishes he could have a fun Friday with you guys!
Poor Reese is right, ouch. The jump rock pic is cool!
At least Reese isn't in the "demand bandaids for EVERY tiny red bump" stage. That gets old real quick.
Nice effort on the 7 days in a row. That won't ever happen on my blog.
I love your blog! Poor Reese. what a tough guy!!
And Conference was sooo good!
LOL...It's a good thing you don't have too many "free" days or Reese might have to take up residence in a local hospital.
BTW...How do you keep yourself from laughing all day long? Your kids are hilarious!
1. Reba is Kelly's "hero". Apparently Kelly talked about Reba so much on American Idol that when it was duet night - Simon's people called Reba's people and she performed with Kelly on American Idol. They have been side by side since then. They are actually really good together. Check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zUYgw64swY&feature=related
2. I know, I am for sure my mom's child. Everyone says we look alike. I think it is a compliment.
3. What are these war wounds all about? Man, I'm gonna buy those kids some helmets for Christmas! ha ha. Boys! How fun. You have such a cute family.
4. What else is new? Snow in CO yet?
Jordan, you have such a cute family and blog! I'm so glad you found me through Facebook.
Kate (Leseberg) Fowler
Hee hee. Can you say CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES? Just kidding. My kids were worse at one point. Wait till they are missing teeth and breaking arms, along with the bumps, scrapes and blackeyes. Been there.
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